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K1400 Owners Group of SA


Since 2008

ZX14 Blog

Balancing a ZX14 front tire manually

Credit to Hannes Malan for the video!


  • Remove the front wheel from the bike and deflate the tire completely.
  • Clean the tire and wheel thoroughly, removing any dirt or debris that may affect the balance.
  • Find a level and stable surface to work on, such as a workbench or table.
  • Place the wheel on the surface so that the rim is resting on two points, such as the axle and a wooden block.
  • Locate the heaviest part of the wheel by spinning it and watching for the part that drops down the fastest. Mark this part with a piece of chalk.
  • Attach a balancing stand to the axle of the wheel. This can be a simple stand made from wood or metal that holds the axle in a vertical position.
  • Slowly rotate the wheel and observe the position of the chalk mark. If the mark consistently stops in the same position, the wheel is out of balance in that spot.
  • Add small weights to the opposite side of the heavy spot until the wheel remains in a balanced position when rotated.
  • Reinflate the tire to the recommended pressure and remount the wheel on the bike.
  • Test ride the bike and ensure that there is no vibration or wobbling at high speeds.
  • By following these steps, you should be able to balance a motorbike front tire manually without the use of electrical motor apparatus.


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