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Brakes - Kawasaki 1400GTR Service Manual


The brake pads should be inspected every 6,000 km (4,000 miles) or annually, whichever comes first, to ensure they have adequate thickness and are free from damage.

Signs of worn brake pads include reduced braking performance, a squealing noise when applying the brakes, and visible thinning of the brake pad material.

Check the brake fluid level by locating the brake fluid reservoir, ensuring the motorcycle is upright, and looking through the sight glass or removing the cap to verify the fluid is between the minimum and maximum marks.

To bleed the brake lines, attach a clear tube to the brake bleeder valve, pump the brake lever several times, hold the lever, and open the bleeder valve. Close the valve, release the lever, and repeat until no air bubbles are seen in the fluid.

The brake fluid should be replaced every 2 years to ensure optimal braking performance and to prevent moisture buildup that can lead to corrosion and reduced efficiency.

The recommended brake fluid for the Kawasaki 1400GTR is typically DOT 4 brake fluid. Always refer to the owner's manual for the exact specifications.

Inspect the brake rotors for wear by checking for grooves, warping, or scoring on the surface. Measure the rotor thickness with a micrometer and compare it to the service limits specified in the manual.

To replace the brake pads, remove the caliper from the brake rotor, take out the old pads, compress the caliper pistons, install the new pads, and reattach the caliper. Ensure the pads are seated correctly and check for proper operation.

Check for brake hose integrity by inspecting for cracks, leaks, or bulges. Ensure the hoses are securely attached and there are no kinks or sharp bends that could restrict fluid flow.

Maintaining proper brake adjustment is important to ensure optimal braking performance, safety, and to prevent premature wear of the brake components.